Sunday, February 22, 2009

Help! I want to start a business!

Do you desire to start a business but don't know where to begin? Been there, done that and still doing it! Know that I have so much to share, teach and show you, that I don't know where to begin. Growing a business is an ever evolving road with major twists and turns. Be encouraged and know that you can do it! Don't be afraid to look for help because help don't look for you! Let's get started.
1. Write everything down. It is important to keep & take notes of your plans, thoughts, to do and not to do lists. But be very clear. Check things off as you go, your notepad is your start up business best friend. As most of you are busy moms, wives and full time job holders, your thoughts and plans can get lost. I have many, many note books and tablets!
2. Get lots of R&R. I don't mean rest and relaxation! I mean Reading and Research. Get a few good books on your new business venture. Research your target market, the need, and other like businesses. You can get the real R&R once you are truly established.
3. Forget about sleeping. Starting a business requires long days and nights, especially nights. If you are not prepared to sacrifice lots of your time away from family & friends, you are not ready.
4. Know when to take a break. I am serious about step #3 however, you are a human, not a robot. Just remember, your body and your brain does need a rest. Just stay focused.
5. Involve your family. Share with them your goals and what it will take out of you & away from them. Then delegate duties, it will make for an easier learning & developing experience. No one will feel as left out. Plus take all the help you can get. You are going to need it.
6. Become a sponge. Listen, listen, listen. Absorb and take in all that is being said and go back to rule #1, write it down!
7. Define your niche. What makes your business unique and different.
8. Social Networking. Is the way of the world. Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Linked In and Blogging are just a few. More importantly, get involved. Don't be afraid to make new friends. Find a mentor. You will find so many people that are willing to help you.
9. Become an expert. Know your business and be able to speak confidently and fluently about it. The success of your business depends on your expertise.
10. Don't give up. No matter how hard it gets, and believe me it gets hard. Quitters never win.

I will stop for now, but don't think that's all it takes. I know it is a lot to ingest and I hope this is helpful to you. For as much as DorNee' has accomplished, there is still so much to learn, fears to overcome and progress to make. Above are some difficult steps to follow. I know from experience.

DorNee' Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Torrian: What a fantastic post! I know a lot of people will be inspired by your tips and your example of tenacity and planning. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!